
Moldova, like other developing countries, faces a relatively short maturity of financial instruments. The average weighted maturity of state securities in circulation is only 6.5 months. The average weighted maturity of the portfolio of new…
Even though the 2014-2015 crisis from the banking sector has not been transposed into a significant recession of the Moldovan economy, it caused a strong uncertainty among banking institutions and the real economy. The crisis…
To protect the interests of depositors and to maintain the stability of financial system, the central banks or other assigned institutions have the duty to ensure the regulation and prudential supervision of commercial banks. These…
The continuous political instability in the Republic of Moldova, together with the less favourable national/regional economic situation (banking crisis, theft of the billion, MDL devaluation, US dollar appreciation, unfavourable climatic conditions, decrease in the international…
This article is only available in Romanian.
This article is only available in Romanian.
Overdependence of the Moldovan energy sector on imports makes energy sources diversification a constant national priority. Considering this, the authorities decided to concede for exploration purposes 40% of the country’s territory. However, the concession mechanism…
The tenders regarding the electricity procurement for the period of 1 April 2017 – 31 March 2018 is a useful exercise in increasing the transparency of suppliers selection. The Moldovan and Ukrainian media unevenly interpret…
The shocks of the bank fraud that hit public finances, and the need to sign a new funding agreement with the International Monetary Fund, have brought to the fore the need to reform the current…
Services play a very important role in the Moldovan economy by contributing to the value added, employment and trade. Moldova is largely a services-based economy. Nowadays, the commercial services generate 50 percent of the gross…
The dynamics of the renewable energy sector in the Republic of Moldova is slow, but positive. In 2015, the ratio between the produced renewable energy and final consumption of energy was above 15%. At the…
One of the most important lessons among the multitude we learned after disclosing the bank frauds and the bank crisis of 2014-2016 is that the National Committee for Financial Stability (NCFS or the Committee) undoubtedly…
This Position Note aims at clarifying the main aspects related to the concession of geological exploration works (oil, gas) in the Republic of Moldova, with subsequent exploitation. This Note includes an objective analysis of the…
Being the cornerstone of the national financial system and in the light of its functions, the banking sector has a particular importance for the economy. Namely the manner it operates is an essential condition for…
This article is only available in Romanian.
One of the fundamental social goals a modern democratic state must achieve is to provide the population, especially the young families, with large scale reliable tools to solve the housing issue. Despite some previous attempts…
The Independent Analytic Centre ”Expert-Grup”, the Association for Participatory Democracy ”ADEPT”, and the Legal Resource Centre in Moldova, with the support of the USAID, have initiated the monitoring process of the Priority Reform Action Roadmap…
In the second half of 2016 the economic discussions on the public arena were mainly focused on the negotiation and subsequent signing of the Memorandum with the International Monetary Fund. As expected, after the 2014-2015…
Increasing the deposit guarantee coverage is imminent in order to maintain the confidence in the banking sector. The current deposit guarantee scheme is unable to cover the economic costs caused by the bankruptcy of a…
Studiul „Evaluarea disponibilității datelor deschise în educație 2016” este al treilea raport de evaluare, după cele două evaluări efectuate în anii 2014 și 2015 și include modificările înregistrate pe parcursul anului, evaluarea executării recomandărilor din…
Moldova’s electricity sector remains vulnerable and weak because of corruption, dependence on unreliable suppliers which abuse their dominant position, and unfinished liberalization. In fact, the rules of the game in the sector are incomplete and…
Analiza procedurilor de achiziții publice din școlile profesionale municipale a scos în evidență un set de probleme, lacune și riscuri. Principalele probleme și lacune țin de cunoașterea joasă a cadrului normativ existent de către principalii…
Monitorizarea și analiza achizițiilor publice de lucrări capitale la infrastructura rutieră în mun. Chișinău a scos în evidență mai multe abateri procedurale și riscuri de corupție în cadrul DGTPCC și conducerea primăriei. De asemenea, s-a…
The adoption of the Draft Law no. 452 on capital liberalization and fiscal stimulus, which basically provides for a quasi-amnesty of tax liability and a capital amnesty, and of the Draft Law no. 451 linked…
  Please see the Public call for transparency and independence of the National Energy Regulatory Agency (ANRE) in the process of adopting a new Law on Energy Sector. Download the Russian version
The Parliament of the Republic of Moldova is reviewing now the Draft Law on Energy Sector (GD No 778 of 21 July 2016), that provides for the upgrading and strengthening of the regulatory framework in…
• Although the 2016 economic year was more favorable compared to 2015, it confirmed that the main problem of the Moldovan economy remaines its poor competitiveness. After the recession of 2015 (-0,5%), the Gross Domestic…
This article is only available in Romanian.
În ultimii ani, ponderea cheltuielilor Cancelariei de Stat în bugetul de stat s-a menținut la nivelul de 0,9% - 1,2%. În mare măsură, aceste cheltuieli revin instituțiilor din subordine, care realizează activități de suport sau…
The Independent Think-Tank Expert-Grup in partnership with the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) from Brussels organized the conference "The EU-Moldova Association Agreement – new opportunities and challenges", held on the 28th of November in…
The energy sector of the Republic of Moldova faces a range of major challenges for the national energy security. Besides the major dependence on the same foreign suppliers , there is a systemic vulnerability due…
Analiza paginilor web a Autorităților Publice Centrale cu privire la nivelul de transparență a utilizării banilor și patrimoniului public a scos la iveală că marea majoritate nu publică informații cu referire la acest subiect. Doar…
Considering the political and economic context our country found itself in, as well as the pressure the authorities are under regarding unblocking the financial international support, the process of drafting the Bank recovery and resolution…
The results of the state-owned enterprises and trading companies with the State participation from the Republic of Moldova show some gaps in transparency and implicitly highlight the need to strengthen the efforts in order to…
This article is only available in Romanian.
For 4 consecutive quarters, the economies on both banks of the Nistru River have been diverging from the economic point of view. If in Q2:2016, the convergence indicator constituted 97.1%, then in Q3:2016 it fell…
On 26 September 2016, the Government assumed responsibility for the draft law stipulating the conversion of guarantees granted in 2014 and 2015 to NBM loans for Banca de Economii, Banca Sociala and Unibank into state…
The Independent Think-Tank Expert-Grup in partnership with the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung is launching today, the 30th of September, in the framework of the 4th Edition of the Annual International Conference MACRO 2016, the State of the Country…
This article is only available in Romanian.
The Association for Participatory Democracy ADEPT, the Analytical Centre "Expert-Grup" and the Legal Resources Centre from Moldova (LRCM) produced a final monitoring report on the Priority Reform Action Roadmap. The experts have concluded that only…
The Independent Think-Tank Expert-Grup has assessed the main reform actions within Moldova’s financial banking sector during April – July 2016 and noted some signs of improvement. Executive summary Experts warn about the still existing shortcomings…
Chișinău // Expert-Grup has published the second issue of its Bank Shareholders’ Transparency Rating in Moldova. According to the analysis based on the information available on banks’ websites as of July 31st 2016 and other public sources, the…
Это четвертый выпуск издания „Региональный экономический журнал: Приднестровье”, который проанализирует экономическую эволюцию Приднестровья, основные макроэкономические и секторные тенденции к концу 2015 года и предоставит прогнозы в отношении ключевых экономических показателей в 2016-2017 г. Главные идеи публикации…
This is the 4th issue of the Regional Economic Review: Transnistrian region, which analyses the economic evolution of the region from Dniester’s left bank, explains the key macroeconomic and sector-level trends in the region and…
Key messages from the report The reforms started by Moldova’s State Fiscal Service in 2014-2015 brought tangible results. Despite economic recession, decline in consumption and macroeconomic instability, these reforms brought 1.8 – 2,3 billion lei…
This report outlines the progress made under the Roadmap regarding the agenda of high-priority reforms comitted by the Moldovan authorities (Government, Parliament, and some other public institutions) in order to overcome the social, economic and…
Экономические реалии Приднестровья (Realitatea Economică Transnistreană) – ежеквартальное издание, в котором обозначены важнейшие аспекты развития экономической и политической ситуации в Приднестровье. Главные идеи этого выпуска Уже на протяжении четырех кварталов экономики обоих берегах Днестра дистанцируются…
For 4 consecutive quarters, the economies on both banks of the Nistru river have been diverging from the economical point of view. In Q2:2016, the convergence indicator fell to 94.8% (97.1% in Q2:2015) due to…
Sumar executiv Inițiativa Ministerului Sănătății de a propune un regulament sanitar pentru instituțiile preșcolare, unic pentru toate formele de organizare juridică (de stat, private și cu statut de ONG) este binevenită – pentru că această…
Excerpt In the recent years, the expenditures on national defence were never a priority on the national development agenda. Since 2009, disbursements for this sector felt sharply. This trend did not change even after 2014,…
The Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) are the backbone of the European economy, accounting for 85% of the new jobs created. The European Comission aims to promote entrepreneurship and improve the SME business climate, in…
Acest material infografi cu privire la importul produselor din Uniunea Europeană vă poate fi util în cazul în care ați identificat deja un partener de afaceri în cadrul unei țări membre UE și ați anegociat…
Экономические реалии Приднестровья (Realitatea Economică Transnistreană) – ежеквартальное издание, в котором обозначены важнейшие аспекты развития экономической и политической ситуации в Приднестровье. Главные идеи этого выпуска Экономики обоих берегов Днестра начали дистанцироваться со структурной точки зрения.…
Transnistrian Economic Review is a quarterly publication about the main economic and political developments in the eastern districts of the Republic of Moldova. Key messages of this edition The economies on both banks of the…

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