State of Country Report

  2023 marked a new historical stage in the Republic of Moldova’s European integration process, with the European Commission's recommendation on launching accession negotiations. This decision comes as a logical continuation after the Republic of…
Moldova’s experience in the years 2021–2022 has demonstrated a contrast between a relatively adequate functioning of democratic mechanisms in parallel with weakly functioning state institutions and systems. It is important to note the substantial and…
  After 30 years of independence, the Republic of Moldova still falls short of its potential as a nation, a country or state. From the perspective of each of these three concepts, the Republic of Moldova…
2020  was  marked  by  the  Covid-19  pandemic,  which  caught  the  Republic  of Moldova unprepared The repercussions of the virus have amplified the underlying vulnerabilities related to the state of the country. Already at the beginning…
The political transition following the parliamentary elections in 2019 produced a major change of power that created preconditions for boosting the reforms’ agenda, but the fundamental weaknesses of the state of the country were not…
The credibility of institutions and of the Government as a whole remained a fundamental issue undermining the state of the country, without sizable improvements since 2016-2017. Authorities have not given up on the deficient policies criticised…
Moldova’s state of the country has worsened against the background of a number of exacerbating systemic vulnerabilities. The development prospects of the country are challenged by a series of economic, social and demographic constraints. From…
The Independent Think-Tank Expert-Grup in partnership with the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung is launching today, the 30th of September, in the framework of the 4th Edition of the Annual International Conference MACRO 2016, the State of the Country…
Currently, Republic of Moldova deals with arguably the biggest challenge to its economic security since proclaiming the independence in 1991. The endemic corruption, oligarchization of state institutions, presence of suspicious foreign capital in the country’s financial…
In 2013, the Republic of Moldova experienced an impressive economic performance: the 8.9% growth in the gross domestic product (GDP) was the highest in its modern history and places the country as one of the…
State of the Country Report 2013, which is a clear, evidence-based and objective analysis of the Moldova’s situation in eight areas: foreign policy, environment and natural resources, politics, technological, economic, human capital and demographic, social…
What is the nature and the causes of economic development in the Republic of Moldova? As shown in this 2009 State of the Country Report, Moldova's geographic and natural endowment is not conducive to an…
Although, development and modernization of the Republic of Moldova has constantly been on the agenda of the public authorities, civil society and the international community, there has been limited progress in initiating public debates on…

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